Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I am grateful for Agnihotra

How does the environment effect each person individually and immediately?
Man, microbe, flora, and fauna are a biological concepts that effect each other. They are all connected. One!

It is said that every human being breathes 2500 gallons of air with in a 24 hour period

If that air is highly polluted how does that effect the body and the mind?

If there is not a tool that is accessible for all of mankind to use to Go Green then is Going Green a true goal?

There has to be a tool that EVERYONE can use
If we are Going Green, we need to include the following:
      Natural Sciences that resets the earth’s energy cycle and begin healing on a cellular level
      Natural remedies that reshape the atoms and puts it back in its natural state
      Practices that put balance in our eco-system
      Practices and tools that are accessible to everyone around the globe

Resetting the Planet’s Energy cycle – The planet is based on several cycles. Yearly cycles, quarterly, monthly, and weekly cycles. Due to various types of pollutants these cycles have been disturbed.  In order to bring complete balance back to nature, she needs to be nurtured at the elementary level.  Resetting the energy cycle is the most important part of going Green. 
“Green” means to live as close to natural living as possible. Living in harmony with nature without creating waste. This is the process of allowing the many imbalances of Earth to heal from years of abuse and pollution. This will allow the planet to heal and eventually return to its natural state. Recycling, Reusing, Reducing waste, etc. are also major steps in doing that.

When Agnihotra is performed, the atmosphere becomes purified. It is stated in the Vedic science of medicine called AYURVEDA that by inducing a beneficial change in the atmosphere, you bring about a change in the functioning of Prana (life energy). Prana and mind may be considered to be like two sides of the same coin. Whatever affects one will automatically affect the other. Prana is the life energy that connects man with the cosmos. Therefore, if you induce a beneficial change into the atmosphere, the beneficial effect is automatically transposed to the realm of the mind.
Agnihotra removes tension from the mind. Agnihotra unburdens the mind. You may experience a feeling of freedom through the performance of Agnihotra. Agnihotra creates an atmosphere that is conductive to harmony and meditation. Agnihotra brings peace and tranquility to the realm of the mind. You will notice that your anger, greed, jealousy and attachment become less and you feel free. You experience LOVE pervading the atmosphere. This brings about an environment for the mind that allows you to experience happiness. If you perform Agnihotra regularly you will notice that the atmosphere around your home becomes more harmonious, fuller of love and the vicissitudes of emotion become less. Getting rid of the emotional cycles   leads one to experience “peace that passeth understanding.” Agnihotra atmosphere is the biggest material aid to train the mind to react with LOVE to each and every circumstance of life.
Agnihotra, if practiced regularly, yields healing power to the atmosphere as well as to the individual. Agnihotra ask is medicinal. On all continents, but more so in Europe and South America, folk medicines are prepared from Agnihotra ask. This is part  of Homa Therapy.

That is just a few reasons why I am so grateful for Agnihotra…

Thank you for time
Be well

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Gratitude Update and Upcoming Challenges


Just a few days more on our gratitude challenge. For those of you that have been keeping up with your daily entries, Excellent work! Way to go! For those of you, like me, that have slacked of these last few days don’t worry just jump back into it today and BE grateful today… take a minute right now and think of a few things you are grateful for…feel it…Enjoy it!

"Be thankful for what you have you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have you will never never have enough" Oprah Winfrey

Next Month’s Challenge
I am super excited about this coming challenge. It is something I have been wanting to do for a long time but have given myself too many excuses in the past. This is a new day. It’s gonna be a doozy…Stay tuned!!!

Grassroots Green Teams GRGT Weekly Webinars Coming Soon!

Join me and members of Grassroots Green Teams on our weekly webinars and hangouts where will be discussing the following topics and more
  How global warming affects the individual
  What can be done immediately to abort effects of pollution
  Going green is a priority that needs to be addressed NOW
   Provide support for the community in activism for making policy changes in environmental  concerns

GRGT’s will do the following:
   Help set up Every Day is Earth Day walks in your city
   Organize lectures and presentations on green concerns for the community
   Identify and help meet local environmental needs
    Keep local and national media informed on concerns and efforts on making “going green” a reality in the community- Shanti Sun Magazine

Join us every Thursday for these very informative sessions on ways to create green awareness in our communities.  Join the mailing list for more information 

 Again, I am so very grateful for those of you who have been watching these videos, leaving your comments and showing your support. 

Blessed love…in gratitude …Namaste

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Gratitude is Good for Your Health

Gratitude is Good for Your health

For centuries the heart has been connected with emotions of love, gratitude and  compassion as well as with courage, wisdom and spirituality. More recently research has found that not only are these feelings are experienced by the heart, but they also have a very stabilizing and beneficial effect on total health. We now know that stress and negative emotional states affect hormonal fluctuations, immune response, heart and brain function. Stress and negative emotions lead to disordered heart rhythms, and unbalance the autonomic nervous system affecting the smooth function body and mind. Fortunately the opposite is also true: positive emotion leads to increased harmony, coherence and balance within these same systems. Significant positive changes in mind and body systems have been repeatedly documented when techniques are used that purposefully create feelings of appreciation, gratitude and unconditional love. The voluntary triggering of these emotional states was found to increase coherence in both heart rhythm and in the autonomic nervous system which regulates heart rate, breathing and other vital functions. This results in a positive effect on all psychological and physical functions. It has also been found that people’s perception of stress shifted as they developed an inner resilience or “stress hardiness”. This translates to being less prone to react negatively to stress and being better able to actively manage and reduce unavoidable stress. That is all great news, but there is more. Improvements have also been documented with physical performance, creativity, problem solving and intuition.
- See more at:

For more information on this article click here

Counting Your Blessings: How Gratitude Improves Your Health
A third study reproduced the results among a group of people suffering from various neuromuscular diseases, including post-polio syndrome, which has symptoms similar to those in CFS. People using daily gratitude journals reported more satisfaction with their lives and were more optimistic about the future than the control group. Interestingly, the gratitude group also reported getting more sleep, spending less time awake before falling asleep and feeling more refreshed in the morning.
In a related study, researchers at the University of Connecticut found that gratitude can have a protective effect against heart attacks. Studying people who had experienced one heart attack, the researchers found that those patients who saw benefits and gains from their heart attack, such as becoming more appreciative of life, experienced a lower risk of having another heart attack.
The research on gratitude challenges the idea of a "set point" for happiness, a belief that, just as our body has a set point for weight, each person may have a genetically-determined level of happiness. The set point concept is supported by research that shows that people return to a characteristic level of happiness a short time after both unusually good and unusually bad events. But the research on gratitude suggests that people can move their set point upward to some degree, enough to have a measurable effect on both their outlook and their health.
Summarizing the findings from studies to date, Emmons says that those who practice grateful thinking "reap emotional, physical and interpersonal benefits." People who regularly keep a gratitude journal report fewer illness symptoms, feel better about their lives as a whole, and are more optimistic about the future. Emmons conclusion is that gratitude is a choice, one possible response to our life experiences.

For more on this study click here

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Thank you for your time
Be well

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PSS Shhh you want to hear about the secret weapon

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Gratitude update

Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at
least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we
didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us
all be thankful.

-- Buddha

The more your practice gratitude the more deeply you will feel it in your
heart and the depth of the feeling is the key. The more deeply and
sincerely you feel it, the more happiness you will bring to yourself in
every single area.

Watch what happens in your life when you practice gratitude at every opportunity, every single day.
--Rhonda Byrne

I am so very thankful for what has been coming to me these past couple of weeks. It has been unbelievable. The more I am grateful, the more I get and find things to be grateful for. Sometimes the feeling is overwhelming itfills me with pure Joy. Some things I have noticed in the past couple of weeks is that the right people are showing up at the right time. If I need something, somehow it shows up effortlessly and easily. 

I am so blessed to have found Empower Network (EN) and the business
education and opportunity it provides. The trainings so far have been
amazing. Since I have been blogging with EN my massage business has
grown so much. I have more clients than before and more interest in my
(I have only been using this system for about a month.)
This stuff really works!
BTW, Power X is blowing my mind...(One of the marketing products offered by EN)

So I implore to take time out of your day and count your blessings. You will be amazed to see what this does for you.

All Love

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