Friday, March 28, 2014

Live Food Challenge Day 24 and ITF Update...

  • Energy: Fruits and vegetables are much easier to digest than meat, dairy and eggs. If your body isn’t working so hard to digest and process food, it has more energy to put towards other things, like brain power and exercise.
  • Better sleep: Maybe it’s because eating more living foods has been proven to reduce joint swelling and inflammation that’s linked to arthritis that’s helping raw vegans sleep better. They can also rest easy knowing that their cholesterol levels are dropping by the minute.
  • Weight loss: Changing to a plant-based diet has many benefits, like lowering insulin levels, reducing fat intake and increasing dietary fiber, and these all lead to aiding in weight loss. Just removing a lot of the processed foods in your diet will help you drop a few pounds. And with that extra energy that we noted above, you’ll probably start and stick to that exercise program, which will help drop a few more unwanted pounds!
  • Clear skin: It’s been proven that dairy products contribute to breakouts for acne-prone skin. Ditch the dairy and that lifelong problem of bad skin will disappear within a week or so. Can clear skin really be that simple? Yes, it can.
  • Eco-friendly: Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma (we’re not just quoting vegans here), states that it takes 10 pounds of grain to create one pound of beef. “There would be plenty of grain for everyone if we actually ate it as food and didn’t use it to make meat. Reducing world meat consumption–or feeding our food animals differently–would leave more grain for the world’s hungry,” Pollan stated in an article for Newsweek.
  • It’s yummy: If you think that eating vegan or raw vegan means that you’ll be eating nothing but salads for the rest of your life, you’re mistaken. Pick up any of Go Raw’s products to see just how delicious raw vegan can be! And cruise the aisles of any good grocery store and you’ll see lots of vegan alternatives to your current favorite foods. Of course, we recommend never missing the produce section, which is the best part of the store. If you don’t fancy figuring out how to be raw vegan in the kitchen, contact us at the Go Raw L.I.F.E. Center and we’ll discuss how we can help you.
For more Click here

50 Great Reasons to Go Raw
This list created by Karen Knowler and Sarah Best (of Get Fresh! magazine) from eavesdropping on our own conversations and those of others over the past few years…
I mean, could you get any more win-wins from your food?!
  1. “To have unlimited energy” 
  2. “To increase my clarity”
  3. “To reach my natural weight” 
  4. “To improve my memory”
  5. “To support farmers” 
  6. “To have sharper concentration”
  7. “To conserve enzymes” 
  8. “To raise my vibration”
  9. “To rejuvenate and reverse signs of aging” 
  10. “For spiritual expansion”
And another 40 more…
  1. “To detoxify my body naturally” 
  2. “To become more vibrant”
  3. “To re-create a clean shiny new me!” 
  4. “To create a sense of balance”
  5. “To strengthen my immune system” 
  6. “To reawaken my intuition”
  7. “To dramatically reduce my chance of disease” 
  8. “I want to use raw eating as a tool to help me release negative emotions and blocks”
  9. “To extend my life span” 
  10. “I’ve only been raw for a short while but for me it’s the biggest high ever!”
  11. “To function at my peak” 
  12. “I want to reduce my food bills”
  13. “To balance my body’s temperature, regardless of external conditions” 
  14. “I want to break my emotional attachments to foods”
  15. “To have eyes that sparkle” 
  16. “I want to get back in touch with my body and myself”
  17. “To have clear skin” 
  18. “I want to become more calm and collected”
  19. “To have young-looking skin”
  20. “It’s environmentally friendly”
  21. “To have shiny, glossy hair” 
  22. “I’m a vegetarian/vegan and this is the next step”
  23. “To improve my eyesight” 
  24. “I want to use less fossil fuel”
  25. “Because the food is delicious”
  26. “I want those insights people talk about”
  27. “I discovered the durian!” 
  28. “Meal preparation is so easy”
  29. “I like to eat truly natural food”
  30. “It saves time”
  31. “I want to explore a world of taste I never knew existed before” 
  32. “I want to meet like-minded people”
  33. “I love fruit!” 
  34. “To lower my fuel bills!”
  35. “I love the beautiful colours of raw food” 
  36. “It’s an exciting adventure”
  37. “I want to learn how to become hungry properly” 
  38. “It will help me achieve my potential”
  39. “Because it will help me grow as a person as well as better my health” 
  40. “Because I love myself”
Need any more reasons?

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Be Well



  1. Lovely, upbeat post, as always! I eat vegetarian half the time and don't eat dairy products at all, so I'm with you on that! Don't know much about the raw vegan stuff, but may have to look into it! Thanks for sharing! :O)

  2. Awesome, I always feel great when I do raw!

  3. I love how you end by asking if we need more reasons. I think I'll chew on those for a while. (I crack myself up)!

  4. Very interesting. I'm not quite ready for raw vegan myself yet, but I can see the reasoning behind the article.
