Friday, March 7, 2014

Live Food Challenge Day 4

Greetings Friend,

I am so glad that you decided to take this journey with me this month. These past few days I have noticed a big difference already. I am sleeping better, have more energy when I wake up in the morning. I feel more energized throughout the day and during my workouts. My overall mood is better and I have lost a couple of pounds already. How cool is that?

Some things you might experience
You might experience some headaches the first few day. It depends on how toxic your body was before you started the fast.

Yesterday I experienced a headache after I got home from my workout. I remembered what Queen Afua wrote in Sacred Woman about experiencing detox headaches when one first start a fast. The key is not to panic. Know that this too shall pass, just drink plenty of water and get some rest. It will pass, leaving you feeling energized and clear.

If you are feeling tired or achy the first few days again that is normal. Your body will go through a detox period and it may be intense depending on how toxic your body is. Again drink more water, eat more live foods to include raw almonds and other nuts more often. Make sure you are eating enough. That can be one of my challenges. However I can stay focused if I eat something every couple of hours. An apple, orange, banana with natural almond butter for example.

Some remedies during the detox phase
Take baths- yes in the bathtub for 15-20 minutes… Sometimes the shower is not enough especially for women. Add sea or Epsom salt with your favorite essential oils. Some women add whole cow’s milk to the bath water for extremely smooth and silky skin. I will not be doing this during my fast only because what goes through the skin is absorbed by the body. But that of course is completely up to you. This is your fast so make sure that it fits your needs.

Exercise…Dance…Walk…Run…Move…. did I say DANCE!!!?

Make sure you are drinking enough spring water. I cannot stress that enough.
Meditate…Take some quiet time for yourself and focus on your breath. Start at 5 minutes then make it longer until you reach 25-30 minutes.
Make sure to drink at least one large glass of water in the morning before doing anything else. This practice has many benefits.

Some Benefits of a live food diet:

• Helps you lose weight easily without having to starve and deprive yourself.

• Cleanses and detoxifies your body so you lose the bloating, inflammation, water retention and puffiness.

• Improves skin texture, tone, and complexion-- acne, psorisis, rashes, eczema and even cellulite-- all of that goes away.

• You no longer need artificial stimulants like sugar and caffeine for energy or concentration.

• You are released from the shackles of food addictions.

• Signs of aging reverses.

• No more aches and pains.

• Depression and anxiety lifts.


• You get increased energy and vitality.

• Sleep improves.

• Concentration sharpens.

• Skin glows.

• Confidence and self-respect soars!

Thank you for joining me in this journey and for your time!

Be well

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