Greetings Family,
This blog post is dedicated to all of you out there that are struggling with a health issue, particularly Dave Sharpe. Dave Sharpe inspires so many to achieve their greatness. He has touched my heart and mind in so many lives. His enthusiasm is contagious. His love of life and people is inspiring and his story has touched the heart of millions. This is dedicated to him and everyone fighting for their lives…. There is ALWAYS hope. I believe you can conquer this too and I LOVE you ALL with all of my being…
Here is some information I have found regarding Hepatitis C. Take a look and do your own research. Be a skeptic of course but don’t turn anything away without looking at it thoroughly. Natural healing has been the answer for me and so many people. It most definitely can be for you too.
Visualize yourself healed and it is already done!
Interesting Article
Our successes in helping people to cure diabetes, cancers, neutralize toxins, and etc. had us feeling a bit overconfident. That is, until a friend asked us to face-off against hepatitis C. There are no verifiable success rates in curing hepatitis C with either orthodox medicine or alternative medicine. This little monster has gleefully out-gunned and out-run every contender, but we believe there is hope. In fact, we believe that we may have even found a silver bullet for destroying even the infamous 'C' variant of hepatitis. Actually, it is more of a silver solution than a bullet, but please read all of this report, lest a little bit of knowledge will become a dangerous thing. Note that this report is one of few that will be edited whenever new information becomes available to us.
We sometimes turn to Traditional Chinese Medicine (ancient Chinese Medicine) for really baffling cases. Westerners are still trying to understand things that Chinese doctors fully understood thousands of years ago. The toughest part of utilizing ancient Chinese medicine is translating the strange explanations of how and why things happen from its concepts, such as those dealing with 'yin' and 'yang', into our modern understanding of the human body. It can be challenging to decipher, but the effort is well worth the insight gained in solving supposedly unsolvable problems. Unfortunately, the ancient Chinese medicine did not discover a reliably repeatable cure for chronic hepatitis, but that does not necessarily put us back to square one.
General Immune and Anti-Viral Support for the Liver (in order of importance)
It is not necessary to use all of these, but using at least the first group is highly recommended, and should produce a tremendous health improvement. These alone are not likely to enact a cure, but they will provide a body with the backup support that it needs for when we take the attack to the next level.
- Healthy diet emphasizing lots of fruits, vegetables, berries, and nuts.
- Sunlight
- Milk Thistle 400 mg. twice daily
- Mega-dose of Vitamin C (ie. 3000 mg. twice a day)
- St. John's Wort (unless there is a chance of pregnancy)
- Flax Seed Oil mixed with yogurt (Budwig style)
- Turmeric or curcumin
- Selenium (small amount)
- Get some light exercise every day
- Arginine (especially if over the age of 30)
- Licorice root
- Dandelion
- Switch to sea salt
- Iodine (externally only)
- Zinc supplements
- Ginseng
- Neem
- Sophora root (Cautiously use, or avoid if there is high blood pressure)
- Glutathione 300 mg in the a.m. and p.m.
- Quercetin 500mg in a.m. and p.m.
- CoQ10 250-500mg in a.m. and p.m.
- Green tea - couple of cups per day
- N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) 500mg 2x per day.
- Skullcap
- Chamomile
Alternative medicine treatment includes: milk thistle, Natcell thymus, Natcell liver, natcell tlm, natcell mesenchyme, reishi mushroom, lipoic acid, vitamin c, licorice root, cats claw, alfalfa, dandelion root, olive leaf, NADH, Eurocel, Lipotrope and properly prepared whole leaf aloe vera. This website is a source for the components of this all-natural treatment. This site is also a great source for research and learning about: hepatitis c ( hcv ), hepatitis c ( hep c ) treatment, cancer therapy and alternative medicine treatment for hepatitis c.
Last but not at all least
Juva Cleanse
Essential Oil -
Cleanse Your Liver and Gallbladder Naturally
Cleanse Your Liver and Gallbladder Naturally
Cleanse Essential Oil a great blend that was specifically formulated to cleanse
and detoxify the liver. The oils in this blend are the best liver cleansing
essential oils available. So use it as a home remedy for liver detox when you
need to, or everyday as a supplement.
you know that the liver is the most important detoxifier of the body?
it is. The liver filters out all the toxins that come in contact with
the body. This includes everything we eat, drink, breathe or gets absorbed by
our skin! And if the filter is clogged, then we know that it can't do its job.
that the body can't cleanse or recognize gets stored in the tissues or fat
in our body. Petrochemicals and heavy metals are some of the worst
culprits. But Juva Cleanse can help!
you know that in 2003 Juva Cleanse was tested for its ability to remove Mercury
from the body and treat Hepatitis C virus?
study found that taking two capsules (750 mg) of Juva Cleanse per day for one
month with no other treatment reduced the patient's viral count by 80%!
Yes it dropped from 13,200 to 2,580. So, if it can do wonders for someone with
advanced Hepatitis C, than I'm sure it can clean up our livers pretty good!
liver also purifies the blood. The oils in Juva Cleanse are blood cleansers
and detoxifiers. Blood is key to converting carbohydrates to energy. So a
toxic liver can also effect our energy, digestion and blood!
we take Juva Cleanse essential oil orally on a daily basis it will help to keep
the liver healthy so it continues to work properly.
Click here to order Juva Cleanse or any other therapeutic grade essential oil.
Thank you for your time
Be well
P.S. All this is, is an opportunity for you to conquer and share your story of triumph. Your story may one day save someone’s life…
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